Farewell AOL Journal. It's been real.
Thank you to everyone who came, saw, and commented.
I'd like to invite you all to the home of my new blog, The Friday Chef.
I hope to see you all there!
Farewell AOL Journal. It's been real.
Thank you to everyone who came, saw, and commented.
I'd like to invite you all to the home of my new blog, The Friday Chef.
I hope to see you all there!
I am so glad that several of you took participated in the Weekend Assignment, (see last entry)! It took me a little while to come up with 25 things that weren't overly embarrassing or downright boring, but after reading some of the other entries that fellow bloggers posted, I kept coming up with more Random Things about me that I wanted to share. I'll spare you for now, but it was suggested that we make this a regular thing, so consider this fair warning. After all, nearly everyone loves talking about themselves, right?
Prepare yourselves for my Big Announcement later today.
Now, back to work. (I mean you).
John Scalzi, AOL's resident journaler has initiated a little thing known as Your Weekend Assignment. Since I'm avoiding anything that has to do with sweating, this is the perfect exersize for me. I challenge each of you to try this at home.
25 (or 10) Totally Random Facts About Me:
1.) My middle name is Eileen. (Save the jokes, I've heard them all!)
2.) I've been to every state in the continental U.S.A.
3.) I hate the feel of paper. And chalk.
4.) I wanted to own my own greenhouse when I grew up. I still do
5.) I generally don't like sweets except for chocolate, and even then, I'm very selective.
6.) My mom's maiden name is LaJennesse.
7.) I love having long fingernails and never bite them
8.) I used to put my makeup on on the bus, since I wasn't allowed to wear any in Jr. High. ( I poked my eye more than once with the mascara wand)
9.) I never thought I'd be a mom
10.) I am rarely ever in a bad mood
11.) I love Scotch
12.) I don't know how to knit
13.) I do not own any clothes that are orange
14.) I neglect my lawn (but pamper my garden)
15.) I like super-thin pizza
16.) I was the fastest girl runner in my class, but never joined the track team
17.) I can raise one eyebrow
18.) I make iced tea almost every day
19.) I only like turkey at Thanksgiving
20.) I flunked Anatomy and Physiology in high school, because I refused to dissect a cat
21.) I am a klutz
22.) I've never had a big birthday party
23.) I am a night owl
24.) I own over 30 pairs of shoes, but only 3 pairs aren't black
25.) I haven't cleaned out my refrigerator since Christmas
I had a nice chat with Freeepeace today. That girl is so busy, that I felt honored to have her to myself for a short time. Since Freeep and I were each other's first AOL~J buddies, she's special to me, though we don't find much time to chat between her journaling, (her latest entry had over 30 comments!), her dog-walking, and her music. She has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I've ever known. Anyone who would mourn the death of a black widow spider is someone who cares very deeply for other living beings!
Freeepeace has been chosed the #1 pick this week by the AOL~journal editor. For AOL members, you can check out the feature at Keyword: Journals. For the rest of you, you can stop by her journal and see how this groovy California musician became so popular with her peers. While you're there, check out her other website that will give you a sample of her talent. Congrats, Freeep. You've earned your recognition!
Freeepeace recently discovered the joys of Survivor. Though she picked the most boring of seasons to get hooked, I am thrilled. Everyone needs a healthy dose of reality (TV).
Today, after months of badgering, I explained Hamstertime to her, and not once did she roll her eyes. In fact, she admitted that a friend of hers had recommended that she fill out an application for the show and that she's "considering it".
[rubs hands together]
By the time I'm done with her, she'll be crowned Miss Reality TV.
I have things to do today. Lots of things, in fact, but they all involve being outside. Now, this generally would not be a problem, but it is currently 82 F. outside, and I have no wish to be a part of it.
Yes, I love warm weather. I love being outside and becoming one with nature, but considering that I was still wearing my winter coat this time last week, it's a little too much too soon. My lily-white self needs some time to acclimate to this kind of heat. My skin hasn't seen one bit of sunlight since last fall, and I refuse to blind those around me by exposing myself in shorts and a tank top. I'll take some time this week to apply my tan-from-a-bottle, allowing me to shed my long sleeves and pants, but you can be pretty sure that once I'm the perfect shade of not-so-white, we will get get another snowstorm.
I'm gonna go peel off my jeans and put on some shorts, then go close all the curtains. My neighbors will thank me!
The folks over at peanutbutterlovers.com have a nifty little website. Check out some of their recipes, such as the Oriental chicken pita, and the Thai Beef Salad with Spicy Peanut Dressing. Even better? The Classic Peanut Butter cookies.
My favorite peanut butter is Extra Crunchy Jif. There are some recipes at their site.
Can't decide? Switch to the Peanut Butter Diet, and lose a few pounds while you enjoy your favorite peanutty spread.
Life wouldn't be as sweet without Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
Tribe: =FistyRocks
Rank Team Name Score
1 VivaLaFisty 2390
2 buffs4vol 2333
3 Honeylife 2195
4 GreenTuna 2151
5 copssister 2015
6 The Sketch Factor 1999
7 Amazingrace 1991
8 Snappie 1928
Happy Food! Friday! everyone!
My first recipe today is an ode to the hamsters of the The Big Brother household past and future. It is a glorified version of their staple~ the PB&J sandwich
PP&J Monte Cristo ~ makes 2 sandwiches
4 slices bread
1 egg, beaten
peanut butter
powdered sugar
Preheat griddle or a large cast-iron frying pan to 350°F. Butter griddle. Combine and beat eggs and milk in a shallow dish. Make PB&J sandwiches, then dip sandwiches into the egg mix. Place in pan and cook about 2 to 3 minutes per side until lightly browned. Cut sandwiches in halves, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
Tonight, my friends, will be a sad one for me.
My chat buddies will be watching Survivor an hour before me, then move on to watch The Apprentice finale without me. It will be a hollow and joyless three hours, especially tribal council, where someone's torch will be extinguished, [coughcoughKATHYcoughcough], and in the boardroom, where Bill is going to get fired. (So, I've heard. I'd pick him as the winner, myself).
I'll try to cheer myself up and get back here this afternoon to post some Good Things.
You, in the meantime, can come up with some peanut butter recipes for tomorrow's Food! Friday!
Today's entry goes out to KatJam, who looks marvelous today, btw. She's not going to be pleased that it was another quiet morning in blogdom.
I give you Mr. Picassohead.
Meanwhile, I will be outside planting snapdragons, zinnias, marigolds, Ismene, and Montbretia.
Tribe: =FistyRocks
Rank Team Name Score
1 buffs4vol 2138
2 VivaLaFisty 2115
3 Honeylife 2040
4 GreenTuna 1916
5 copssister 1900
6 Amazingrace 1851
7 The Sketch Factor 1844
8 Snappie 1773
It lives! It is risen! My scanner has come back from the dead!
Verily, it will haunt ye the remainder of thy days.
Yes, I found that by merely plugging the scanner in, it works. Just in time for the Big Announcement, too, but that will have to wait. For, like, a few days.
Anyhoo~ in the meantime I thought I'd share a couple of funnies. These are courtesy of my daughter, ("Sis").
We had a family gathering last week at my folks place. There was a woodpecker out back. He was dead, beak down on the wood. I knew as soon as Sis saw it, she'd obsess about it. As soon as she spotted it, she said, "oooh, look at the pretty swan". I reply, "That's a woodpecker". She looks closer and said "Is it pecking the wood?". Nana says to her, "well, that's what woodpeckers do". Sis looks straight at me and says, "I think it's stuck!".
Yesterday there was an 18-wheeler leaving our neighborhood, and Sis asked me what it was doing. I told her it had probably made a delivery to someone's house. She said they must have been really hungry to need that much pizza.
I am busy getting things back in order after a very busy holiday week. I can't wait to get back into the old routine.
For your enjoyment while you (try to look busy at) work, I give you The Scribbler.
Just don't blame me when you become addicted!
This picture isn't the best quality, because it was a still shot from the webcam coupled with some poor lighting, but I do love this picture of Weejeebert and me. He's my little Gooter!
He doesn't know about the Easter Bunny yet, but I am going to let him "help" his sister make some Easter eggs tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Special thanks to CBS for broadcasting superior quality programs such as Survivor, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, StarSearch [snort], .... and for letting us be a part of The All-Stars Fantasy League.
Proof that Green Tuna had an amazing comeback this week.. Also proof that I still suck.
Tribe: =FistyRocks
Rank Team Name Score
1 buffs4vol 2083
2 VivaLaFisty 2060
3 Honeylife 1985
4 GreenTuna 1901
5 copssister 1845
6 The Sketch Factor 1829
7 Amazingrace 1811
8 Snappie 1703
[gives Snappie a hug]
Place your bets below!