Monday, November 3, 2003

Obviously a Slow News Day

It's potty time!  Woot!  Today Alex graduated from the potty seat to the toilet.  I simply told her that her butt is too big to fit on the little potty seat now and that she would get stuck on it and have to live in the bathroom forever.  It's the small victories that mean the most!    Now to work on Jacob...  luckily I don't have to teach him how to stand and aim just yet. 


Anonymous said...

"I simply told her ... that she would get stuck on it and have to live in the bathroom forever." LOL That's a thousand bucks of future therapy right there. [I would be terrified of that thing forever.] Now just wait till the first time she "falls in" the big-girl toilet! More trauma waiting to happen. LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL, I used to tell my brothers the same. Andrew