Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I'm Just Sayin' Part II

 When I started my journal here, I had no idea that these issues would be a problem for me, (I actually didn't read AOL's TOS in the beginning, otherwise I would have been aware that adult expletives were a no-no. My bad).  And yet another problem is that many of my non-AOL friends cannot comment here because their browser isn't compatible.  I'd like to think that's the reason that I never have many comments.  I also like to think that I don't care about receiving them, but I do.  I like knowing that people care, approve, or have an opinion.  It's reassuring and fun to read them.  I recently said that comments are like crack. I find myself checking my journal a few times a day in hopes of getting "a fix."

Lastly, what I have to say is something that I've thought about, and wanted to point out to many of you.  I, too, am guilty of this, and have tried to think of a creative solution that works better for everyone.  Many times when people leave a comment, you want to respond to it, so you add a reply in your own comment section.  Though this seems like a great solution, it's not always ideal, especially in journals where comments must be accessed through individual entries.  I know that many of you have trouble finding time to write entries, read journals, and leave comments, so it seems a lot to expect others to go back and read the comments from past entries, in hopes that they'll stumble across a comment that is intended for them.  I think that instead of responding to your readers in the comment section, perhaps a small entry in the journal itself would be more effective, and much more accessible to the readers.

Writing here has become more than a hobby, it has become a part of who I am.  Many days I have trouble coming up with things that I think are interesting enough for others to read, so I resort to posting links to other sites that have more to offer than I do.  I want to thank everyone who visits here, and those who are fellow writers who give so much of themselves and enrich my days with your originality, your humor, and your spirit. 

Time to go cut and paste! 



Anonymous said...

Great blog--I check it regularly (found through Hamster Time users) and some of the others you link. Sort of wild to feel like you *know* strangers just through the land of the 'net.

Anonymous said...

Miss You! hee.

Anonymous said...

Where you go, I will follow. I have said/written before, that I wish I had a little icon I could leave behind to let those jnl's know I was there, I was reading, I do care. I come here every day...when you had your phone line problems...I continued to check.