Monday, April 5, 2004

The Morel of the Story

There is something I need to confess. 

I'm in love

 With mushrooms. 

To be more specific, morel mushrooms ~ say it with me... "more-el".  I've been passionate about these guys for about 10 years now. I was introduced to them 10 years ago by an ex-boyfriend. (I'll call him "Dipwad"). My life hasn't been the same since.

This is not something I generally announce, because people will either:

A.) Ask "What the %$&?"

B.) Think I'm certifiable.

C.) Want to know where I find my mushrooms.


Today I decided  to put it out there.  I have to be able to explain my temporary absence to my friends, my family, my blog. I love morels, there  is no denying.  So, for the next 4-6 weeks you will have to share me with my little beloveds.

Morels were spotted yesterday morning in southern Indiana.  That means the mushrooms will probably show up here in central Indiana in another two or more weeks. They'll only be around for a week or two before they're gone. I like to take weekend road trips to northern Indiana and Michigan to continue looking for more morels after they disappear here.

Just don't ask me where I find mine, that is a secret.


Anonymous said...

Grace, I was wondering where you've been - I was thinking, maybe, family emergency... busy with errands... mad weekend partying... but I never figured it would be mushrooms!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I love morels too!! My whole family is from Southern Indiana (Vincennes) and my granparents always took my parents out to hunt them. My uncle still goes out mushroom hunting occasionally. I'm always on the look out for people who know the good spots. Morels are the best thing about spring!

Anonymous said...

Grace admits her shroom habit... hee.
Seriously, I am so uncultured, I don't know a morel from your store-bought variety. I'll keep an eye out for them though!

Anonymous said...

My immagination is wild with your morel hunt! Have fun, but come back soon!