Tuesday, September 30, 2003

It's still Tuesday?

While catching up on the message boards at Hamstertime, I realized that I don't watch nearly enough TV!  I thought I was doing pretty well until I realized that everyone these days watches "Alias", and that "The O.C." (?) is supposedly very watchable, as are a variety of other non-reality shows.  What rock am I living under?  Quick, get me the TV Guide! 

Alas, it is the end of September, and we are supposed to be reaching some record temperature lows within the next few days.  I had already begun the winterization process of my garden~ bringing in the banana tree, various ivies, etc.  I'll be pulling up the geraniums and dahlias with the first frost, to go live in the hellish nightmare formerly known as "the garage."  I have two or three exotic flowers that I will  also pot up and overwinter in the house, making sure that they're cat-friendly and not ridden with nasty critters.  I haven't mowed my yard in, well ~  let's just say "a while", because I can always find something that's much more important to do.  This is the one time that I actually hope for an early round of snow, so that I can lock the mini-barn, and forget about the lawn mower until next year.  Then, there's the issue of shoveling.  I wonder at what age it will be appropriate for Jacob to learn these skills?  Is 3 too young?  I think we'll have a little Mommy-Son talk tonight, right before I start my new hobby of watching too much TV.

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