Saturday, September 27, 2003

Writer's blog

Today ~ September 26


On this date in history...

John Chapman, (Johnny Appleseed),  was born 1774 

Daniel Boone, (a man.  A Big Man), died 1820 in Missouri    

T.S. Eliot born 1888 (survived congenital hernia, scarlett fever, a nervous collapse, and two marriages, won a Nobel, died in 1965.  Poety ain't pretty, folks).

Pope Paul VI born 1897.  (They all look the same to me)

Jack La Lane born  1914. (Still alive.)

Katherine Hepburn born 1922. (Still dead)  

Olivian Newton-John born 1948. (Legwarmers? Not me. Nope. Huh-uh.)

Melissa Sue Anderson born 1962. (Didn't Mary Ingalls have scarlet fever, too? Went blind, married cute blind guy)

Beatle "Abby Road" released 1969. (Still a classic~Great year).

Beverly Hillbillies premier 1962.  (Another classic)

1986~ Bobby returns to "Dallas" (his death is attributed to wife's nightmare, everything we thought for the previous season was all a big, stupid fucking dream.)

2003 ~ My blog is born. 

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