Famous person story #1- I have several, due to my previous job, but this one is in the top 5.
Farm Aid IV, Indianapolis, 1990. I was the "Service Coordinator", (whatever!) at the Omni Hotel, and the restaurant manager, Kevin, came up to me in the kitchen and said, "Grace, Elton John is in the private dining area, and I want you to take care of him". Well, I snickered, knowing that Kevin was a joker, and probably pulling my leg, so I shook my ass across the dining room, only to come to a dead halt in front of Mr. John himself. I was shocked. Not so much that Elton John was there, but that Kevin was actually telling me the truth. So, I approached his table. Elton told me to pull up a chair and sit down with him. He then explained to me that he and his entourage would be staying at the hotel for the week and that he expected me to take good care of them. He let me know that they liked Heineken. Lots of it. And, he told me that he liked meat and potato dishes, but it would be up to me pick meals for him that I thought he would enjoy. So, I did. Elton and his entourage ate and drank like kings that week. I even had to run to the bar across the street one night to get more Heineken. His "special guest" for two evenings was Jessica Hahn, (remember the little Jim Baker scandal? Yeah. Her.), who was very charming, and gracious. Elton was very funny. He liked for everyone to laugh and have a good time. On several occasions, he told jokes, and always made me sit down at the table to enjoy them. I once served him a creme brulee, (custard), and he took my hand, looked me in the eye and said "Grace, do you know what we call this in my country?". I shook my head. "Spotted DICK" said he. Everyone cracked up. He was very gracious to the few fans that were able to get close to him. The hotel called me at home twice that week, because Elton wanted to come in for lunch, and insisted that I was there. At the end of the week, Elton and his manager came into the restaurant, and asked for me. Elton gave me a big hug and thanked me for taking such good care of him and then gave me a very generous cash bonus. He's talented, funny and kind. Thank you Elton John! I'll serve you heinys and spotted dick any time you ask!
I loved this story! How did you keep a straight face? Oh wait, you didn't! Great story.
Great story! Creme Brulee.. yuuuuummm. Sounds better than spotted dick, doesn't it? LoL I found your journal through freeepeace and I really like it. I'll be back! :)
Sooooooooooooooooooooo jealous. Except for the spotted dick part. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee. Hee hee.
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