Friday, December 19, 2003

'Sup continued

Ophelia is busy spending time with Tuna's boyfriend, and avoiding her blog.

TVJunkie is busy getting over her stint in hell, and being ignored by her cat, Shiba.

Mheh is busy buying wine for everyone but himself, and trying to figure out why his banner is blank.

Alphawoman is busy getting ready for her cruise, and making stuff that requires bourbon. Lots of bourbon.

TanMarie is busy writing out 2,346 Christmas cards and sniffing Sharpie fumes.

Gforce is busy trying to explain that his last name isn't "Force", and running in and out of chat.

Kat Jam is busy sorting through boxes of unused Christmas cards and trying to find something decent in the vending machine at work.

Babyfishfel is busy updating "The List" and sending up bat signals.

Snappie is busy playing The Sims and giving herself make-overs.

Overg is busy having blue eyes and playing Gitchu with his kitties.

Buffy and Nancy are busy coming up with reasons why they shouldn't have blogs, or trying to remember something interesting to put in one.

Blurry is busy being bitter.



Anonymous said...

I got a new expansion pack the other day, too! The Sims Makin' Magic...woo hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

If we lived a tiny bit closer, I would make you come over with your kids and spend the night and help me make drink....I mean, make the bourbon balls!

Anonymous said...

Shiba has alternated between aloof and lap cat. It's all good. I will push the hell that was Nassau out of my mind until Monday, when I will have to re-hash the whole trip over and over.

Anonymous said...

It all sounds very exciting! Nothing going on here - just counting the dust bunnies. I think I'd like to head over to alphawoman1's house for a bit of that bourbon.

Anonymous said...

I've known Blurry for more than three years now, and he's always been bitter. You get used to it and begin to love the crotchety old man he is. Sometimes he goes on a bender and causes concern, but really, it's all part of the Blurry we know and love.

Anonymous said...

Hee! I was actually home, watching reruns of S&tC and CSI. It was like a rerun of Thursday evening. And you know how I feel about my Thursday evenings.