Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Ordinary Boredinary

Ordinary Time is the time in the Christian religion which begins on Monday after the Sunday following January 6 through the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.  It begins on the Monday following Penetcost and continues until the First Sunday of Advent.  These weeks are considered Ordinary Time, because during these thirty-three to thirty-four weeks, there are no particular events which celebrate the life of Christ. 


Boredinary Time is that time in the Reality Television fanatic's life between the airing of Survivor, The Amazing Race, and Big Brother.  These weeks have no particular appeal, leaving the fanatic to become irritable and despondent, with nothing to do except find solace in the support of fellow fanatics.


Anonymous said...

Bwah, Grace!! You hit the nail on the head there, girl.

**furiously counting the days till February 1st (ASS begins. Yay!)**

Anonymous said...

What Snappie said. I'm going nuts!
Although, I did have a *really good* dream about Burton the other night...