Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Is it April yet?

School was cancelled today due to the latest "Wintery Mix".  Ugh.   Snow is bad enough.  Being snowed-in with 2 young children is a truly harrowing experience.  Tomorrow I will dig a tunnel to the car and take them to the Indianapolis Children's Museum, (the world's largest!), and let them burn off their energy somewhere else.    As a kid, snow days rocked!  As a parent, snow days suck rocks.

I was able to spend some time online today, and had a fun diversion that Sunflowerkat sent me.  Several of you received copies of this getting-to-know-you-better type email, and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.  What resulted was several replies in my inbox, and judging by the address line on those I've gotten so far, everyone sent their answers to the people on my list.  And, while many of you are mutual friends, I'm sure that my ex Mother-in-law is wondering who the hell all these people are.  Hee!  Thanks to everyone who participated.  If you didn't get a copy of this and want one, let me know.  I may write another entry about the results once they're all in.  (You know who you are).  I love learning new things about my friends, and am always amazed that even with my friend Carol, whom I've known for 25 years, I still manage to learn something new about her.  Like that her favorite drink is Iced Tea.  Hmm.  Maybe that's because we always drink Champagne when we're together.  Heh.

It's always fun, too, to hear from friends you haven't talked to for a while.  In today's case, Babyfishfel lives!!!! Woo Hoo! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've had a lot of fun at the Indy Childrens Museum. I also know from experience - they keep a boatload of tylenol behind the desk there - just in case you are in need. That get to know you thing sure took on a life of it's own didn't it. My email was jammed! BTW - my kids are home for the 3rd day running. I'm on my last good nerve.