Thursday, February 26, 2004

Hey Snappie~ This entry contains a SPOILER

Ah, the joys of another ASS day.  This weeks spoilers put Richard and Sue in a very close race for the boot.  I'm gonna go with Sue Hawk, though I'm hoping it's Richard.  Don't forget to update your fantasy teams, people!  Good luck!


Anonymous said...

I hope it's Hatch, too. I've seen his blurred naughty bits too many times already!

Anonymous said...

BWAH! I actually read the title first this time!

I couldn't resist the lure of the spoiler this week...although you have a different pick than what I read somewhere else (TWOP?). They have Jerri going. Who knows? I'll still watch anyway!

Anonymous said...

I did a last minute team swap. I think Saboga is going to lose the Reward Challenge because it looks like Ethan got hurt in the log contest with Rob; I think that team will be disolved. This is my analysis which may be REALLY off-base.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness he is gone!! I had enough already...did he rub up against Kathy??? Oh my "gag"!