Thursday, February 19, 2004


My daughter had a field trip with her preschool class today.  They went to the University of Indianapolis, where they toured the School of Nursing.  The college students showed the children some of the equipment they use, and monitored their heartrates, then gave the children some information on keeping healthy.   The kids were given a Guide To Good Eating and a Smart Snacks hand-out.  Then, before they were sent on their way, each child received a little bag to take home.  On the way home from school, my daughter told me all about her experience, and asked me if I knew that sweets aren't a healthy snack.  I told her I was aware of that and reminded her of the many times at home when I've told her she would have to have something to snack on other than cookies or candy.  Once home, she opened up the little bag that the nursing students had given the kids.  Inside was a pen, a pencil, stickers, a notepad, and a handful of Hershey's kisses.

One little goody bag undid the work of an entire field trip. I can't wait to see what she learns in college.



Anonymous said...

Like going to the dentist and then receiving a lollypop when finished! Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I'd make a copy of this entry and send it along to the presenters at the School of Nursing so they can see how 1) your child was receptive to the healthy eating message, and 2) how they underminded it with the candy. Perhaps they never expected the kids to actually listen.