Wednesday, February 25, 2004

[Peeks head out]

Is it Spring yet?

I spent the day catching up on blogs, (not my own, of course), raking leaves, packaging seeds for my swap with Green Tuna, visiting with my neighbor, and enjoying the afternoon away from my children. 

Tonight I will be sitting here again, chatting, while watching American Idol and the finale of The Bachelorette.  Two hours worth of Meredith and the two remaining guys.  I guess I need to fit a trip to the liquor store in beforehand so that I won't remember any of it tomorrow.


Edited to add~Thank goodnex for wibne. The finable uf the Bachalaerete sucked.



Anonymous said...

2 hours? TWO HOURS!?!? Crikey! That's a bit much. What can they possibly cover for 2-hours with only 3-people? Oh, wait. Rehash-Rehash-Rehash.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny.

Anonymous said...