I will be posting some Kosher entries soon, after I recover from the following chat with Green Tuna...
chefgracie: HEE~ Your entry!!! I just spewed corned beef!
libvw521: the plague of Spew!
chefgracie: hehehe...
chefgracie: that's even better than the Bag O' Warts I found at halloween!
libvw521: you could get one for your Sunday school class
libvw521: you know they'd love it.
libvw521: my mom said something about "reenacting the plagues at the seder meal"
libvw521: and I said yeah, but you know some kid is gonna yell "But Mom, I was locusts LAST YEAR!"
libvw521: and then they'd fight
chefgracie: my Sunday School class would love it. They're all slightly warped like me.
chefgracie: bwah
chefgracie: methinks that children would enjoy the bag o' plagues a little too much. Plague of toys
libvw521: exactly
libvw521: doesn't seem very instructional.
libvw521: Yay! It's the plagues!
libvw521: Mom can we play with the plagues?
chefgracie: ha!
libvw521: hahahahaha
libvw521: Kids. Put those plagues away NOW
chefgracie: Alex just asked me why I'm laughing so much.
chefgracie: I cannot tell her
libvw521: "Mommy is silly"
libvw521: it's always good one
libvw521: but you know
libvw521: with a bag of plagues
libvw521: you're all set for the Party of the Red Sea
chefgracie: heeee!
chefgracie: "yes dear, I AM talking to that Tuna woman again. How'd you know?"
libvw521: heeeeeeeeee
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