Something that my daughter will not be getting for Christmas: Happy Family Midge Doll. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with a pregnant Barbie doll, but this bugs the piss out of me for several reasons...
~Midge hasn't gained an ounce of weight other than her tummy.
~Midge is vamping around in high heels.
~Midge's pregnant belly is magnetic. You just pull it off, and out pops the baby. No pain, no screaming, no afterbirth.
Is this the kind of message that we want to send young girls? That pregnancy is glamourous? That it's easy and fun? That you don't get swollen ankles?
Does this mean that people would now be required to buy a baby seat for the Barbie Jeep?
If anyone buys this for my daughter I WILL take it back to the store and exchange it for a Swan Lake Barbie. If she's going to live in a fantasy world, I want it to be a realistic one, dammit.
Once again the makers of Barbie have managed to get under the skin of strong, confident, independent, beautiful women everywhere! Seems this *is* the realistic fantasy world. Grrr - down with Barbie!
Who did Midge marry? She is not slutty Midge, is she?
Midge does have a wedding band, but her husband, Alan, is sold seperately, (of course.)
hee .. I'm trying to imagine a doll that actually performs a realistic birth. Hee.. AAARRRGGGHHHH...GET IT OUT OF ME NOWWWWWWWW! Yeah. That won't scare the little kiddies! Me? I don't have kids. I didn't need a realistic doll to scare the beegeebis out of me! ;-) ~TVJ~
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