Monday, December 15, 2003

Survivor Summary

Another season of Survivor ends, leaving me with a mixed feeling of relief and emptiness.  Sandra won , who was my pick in the beginning, although my usually reliable spoiler source was wrong on this one, swaying me into believing that Darrah would win.  I'm glad that I was wrong~ I should have trusted my instincts.  Sandra deserved to win, if nothing else, just for the fact that her hair looked fabulous while on the island. 

I'm not going to expound on the obvious~  Lil's whining, Jon's general smarminess,  and Darrah's bitterness.  However, I do want to comment on the fact that during the "torch tribute", Osten's torch was absent, yet he was invited to be at the winner's celebration and reunion show.  Mark Burnett must have a tortured soul.

Also I would like to mention that I missed the old "burning of the camp" and the transporting of the votes, but the thing that really left me with giant empty hole was the fact that CBS delayed the  telecast by 40 minutes for some of the viewing area   because of a stupid football game, thus denying me, Copssister, and Green Tuna the opportunity to chat during the show with our fellow HT peeps.    

My fantasy league team did not fare well this season, because frankly, I just sucked at the bonus point section.  Congrats to Kat Jam who came out as the winner of our tribe.   

Finally, I cannot wait until All Star Survivor begins on Super Bowl Sunday.  Though I have an issue that some of these former survivors are considered "stars", (Kathy? Amber??  Shii-Ann???), I believe this season will be a blast.  If nothing else, I can count on having some fun chats, especially since football season will be over.


Anonymous said...

Sandra was my pick after Rupert was outed. I really liked Kathy from ...oh I can't remember which one, just cause she had guts. I think she got screwed when she was one of the final three. I'm glad she will live to see another day!

Anonymous said...

You can blame the Browns... stupid overtime. That was a torturous 35 minute delay. I'm thinking to myself, I don't care if they caught Sadaam, unless your name is Jeff Probst, I don't want to see you on my T.V.!

Thanks for the congrats, by the way. But I still didn't win the GMC Envoy XUV or whatever the hell it is. Waaaaah!!!