Monday, January 26, 2004

First Annual Blah Blah Blogger Awards

Because everyone loves awards, today is the announcement of the First Annual Blah Blah Blogger Awards. This is to give my fellow bloggers the recognition and embarrassement that they deserve.  The reward earned from this not-so-prestigious award is the satisfaction you'll get in knowing that I took the time to link your name.  Congratulations to all the winners. 

The following is a list of the categories and the winner of each:

Most likely to get a journal because I bugged them to death~ Snappie

Most likely to post entries about her kitty~ Lifeonhold

Most likely to never add a guestbook~ Perpetual Blonde

Most likely to participate in Food Friday~ Copssister

Most likely to wear hoop skirts and admit it online~ Singsongkitty

Most likely to be separated from me at birth~ TVJunkie

Most likely to become a celebrity with a blog~ Freeepeace

Most likely to like cake and write about it~ Ophelia

Most likely to make me spew food all over my keyboard~ GreenTuna

                                   (continued below)


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I wear this award with pride! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey..I did an awards-themed entry too! See? We ARE twins!

Anonymous said...

Two comments: Thanks for reminding me I need a new kitty entry....and...Food Friday's are participatory? I missed that, guess that's why recipes are showing up on other blogs. Duh.

Anonymous said...

I win the SPEW award? Maybe I should be the "GreenSpewna", except that that sounds more like a fungal disease....

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for talking to me!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to be a hoops star! Wow! Thanks for the mention:)