I'm getting Spring Fever! Well, frankly, I've had it since October, but today I decided to do something about it.
I just sorted, labled and am preparing some seeds for planting. These are seeds I collected last year~some from my own gardens, some from friends. So far, I've got deep purple Morning Glories, yellow, brown, and pink Columbine, Sunflowers, Bronze Fennel, Escarole, Rose of Sharon, Four-O'Clocks, Lillies, Midnight Phlox, Cleome, Miniature Japanese Maple, Catnip, and Bittersweet William.
For the last two months I've been poring over seed catalogs and have selected a few new seeds to purchase. I'll list the types I order once I've narrowed my list down a bit.
If any of you are interested in exchanging some seeds now, or in the spring, let me know. Seed exchanging is a great way to share something wonderful!
Seeds. Everywhere. Billions of 'em. Count me in.
Seed exchange? Um .. could that be considered ..uh.. traffiking?
I love gardening as a concept...but I get overwhelmed by the work. I'm always very zealous in the spring but I can never, EVER keep up with the weeds once they get going. I've got a lot of perenials in, they are such fun to watch come back year after year. I hope this summer EVERYONE posts their beautiful garden photos!
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