Sunday, January 4, 2004

Indianapolis Colts

The Colts?  Oh Yeah!

We just blew away the Broncos 41-10.

Next week?  Kansas City.  Be there~ and don't forget your horseshoe hat!


Anonymous said...

OK - Colts fan...are you in Indy?

Anonymous said...

Both our teams won (Colts and Titans). Yay!

Anonymous said...

I would join in here and insert my own 2-cents - but Los Angeles doesn't have a team. I used to like the Raiders (in spite of the fact that Al Davis is .. SATAN), but, then Al fired Jon Gruden .. thus proving the Satan theory. So, I generally root for Tampa Bay now ...because... hello! Jon Gruden. Someday .. Los Angeles .. the largest media outlet in the US .. will get their crap together and get a team. *sigh*