Saturday, April 17, 2004

I'm a Big Fan

I had a nice chat with Freeepeace today.  That girl is so busy, that I felt honored to have her to myself for a short time.  Since Freeep and I were each other's first AOL~J buddies, she's special to me, though we don't find much time to chat between her journaling, (her latest entry had over 30 comments!), her dog-walking, and her music.  She has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I've ever known.  Anyone who would mourn the death of a black widow spider is someone who cares very deeply for other living beings! 

Freeepeace has been chosed the #1 pick this week by the AOL~journal editor.  For AOL members, you can check out the feature at Keyword: Journals.  For the rest of you, you can stop by her journal and see how this groovy California musician became so popular with her peers.  While you're there, check out her other website that will give you a sample of her talent.  Congrats, Freeep.  You've earned your recognition! 

Freeepeace recently discovered the joys of Survivor.  Though she picked the most boring of seasons to get hooked, I am thrilled.  Everyone needs a healthy dose of reality (TV).

Today, after months of badgering, I explained Hamstertime to her, and not once did she roll her eyes.  In fact, she admitted that a friend of hers had recommended that she fill out an application for the show and that she's "considering it".  

[rubs hands together]

By the time I'm done with her, she'll be crowned Miss Reality TV. 




Anonymous said...

congrats to freepeace! oh, wait, I guess I should go to her site for the congrats! d'oh!

Anonymous said...

Oh Grace, you're such a pal!  Thanks - wow - a whole entry for me.  I adore you girlfriend.  And dangit too for all you Reality TV folk getting me hooked.  I mean it, hooked.  I was a blubbering idiot during last week's Survivor.  I want more.  I hate that it's only an hour a week.  [then again, I wouldn't get much else done if it were on more!]  Thanks for the Hamstertime info and site [just what I need, another distraction.]  Oh, and some of those comments in my Journal are from ME, so don't go too crazy! ;)  Just so you know, I do kill fleas and ants. :P  Love ya Grace!