Saturday, February 21, 2004

You Beta Watch Out!

Today is a great day!  I signed up to be a Beta tester for AOL!  I'm not doing this for the glory that it will bring me, or as any sort of thank you to AOL for all the wonderful things they've done for me, [snort],  but it's my chance to be among the first to have my word count increased from 2,500 to 25,000, (lucky you!), and many other fabulous features which I am not aware of and will probably not understand.  So, soon I will have a new link for my journal that you will have to use to get the new and improved Beta version.  This, of course, depends upon whether or not the Beta version is bug-free and downloads properly for me.  This is AOL, afterall.    So, I have spend a big chunk of time online today, and am getting ready to walk away for a while to allow the new download to, well, download.  Since I am on dial-up, this may take a while, and have decided to spend the time doing some light reading, such as War and Peace.

I hope your weekend is equally fascinating!

Edited to add~  The download took SIX hours!  That's as far as I've gotten this weekend.  I should have everthing installed and runniny by tomorrow sometime.


Anonymous said...

I tried to download it and after two hours shut it down! (Dial-up) I think I will wait...I have fooled around with just typing Beta (and then Irun had a link in his jnl) on my url...oh well, I'm gonna wait till its up and going for us all. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Are you into Beta yet? Is it buggy?

Anonymous said...

SIX HOURS! Dayum girl - you're my hero! I got to the download page and hit QUIT immediately. At this point, I'm waiting. Let me know how it is :)