Thursday, November 20, 2003


I'm in a much better mood today, thank you.  Why?  Well because tonight, I get to see my lover, Burton, on Survivor.    Tonight I also get to see Rupert get voted off the island.  Poor Roop!  He's been a fun castaway, and there's never been anyone quite like him.  Fortunately we'll get to see him in the  Survivor All Star version 1.0. I've just heard that the live reunion for this cast will not happen in Panama as planned,   but instead will be in L.A.   

Alex just said "That's not fair" for the first time.  Aww. I tried to keep a straight face, but it was hard, 'cause she even did that little foot stomp, too.

Lonny called.  He said "I love my kitty~ he's perfect".   Sometimes all it takes is a kitty to make everything okay.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did more than stamp my foot. I threw a pillow at th screen. I loved Roop!