Saturday, January 10, 2004

BB4 Revisited

Like Green Tuna, I have been visiting the BB4 archives lately.  I found this one posted by Overg on August 25, 2003.  It's even funnier today.

5:36 HT

Rob and Jee have found a spider. They proclaim it a black widow, and bring Alison out to warn her that it will kill her. They point out that it has two red dots.

Now, I don't know how to spot a black widow, nor do I really care. What I do care about is the introduction of deadly animals to the Big Brother house. I am for it, and really think the producers out to be more aggressive in this cohabitation program.

Jee kills the spider. He swung a shoe at it, but I'm pretty sure his inane personlity did the job long before his footwear made contact. There's no way something the size of a spider could survive even a brief exposure to those two

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