Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Pop Quiz

Because TVJunkie is my twin, I've posted a Quizilla-related entry, as well.

These are just some random quizes that caught my eye...

Do you have real singing talent?

Does the city you live in suck?

Do you deserve to particpate in society?

What type of bitch are you?

What type of candy are you?

How bored are you?



My answers?  You have no singing talent what so ever, so forget about it / No /  There was no point to you even taking this quiz...look at you, locked in that little box called a TV with your anime...and stuff.  You don't participate in society; chances are it doesnt bother you / Annoying Bitch / A peppermint /  You are EXTREMELY bored. I didn't think someone could even be that bored and still be alive. You obviously have some issues. I do, too, but they're VERY different issues, so I'll shut up now.


Anonymous said...

BWAH! I'm a "True Bitch". Hello? As if I didn't know THAT already!

Anonymous said...

wow. Grace. those quizzes really suck! LOL But I kept persisting. I only took three of them. Turns out I'm a hoplessly bored, true bitch who shouldn't quit her day job to become a singer! Glad I stopped by! :P

Anonymous said...

nope, yep, still undetermined at this time, Queen Bitch, Reese's ~ round and yummy LOL, more than words can describe. Gee, now don't I sound real exciting.