Monday, January 5, 2004

the Unofficial HTcon group announcement

Hamstertime fans~  some of you have already gotten an email concerning an unofficial Hamstertime gathering in Vegas, most likely in October.  For those of you who haven't received the email, please send me your email address, and I will send you the web address for the discussion group.  The first step is seeing who is interested and what dates work best for the majority of the group.  Start saving your pennies now!


Please note that this event is NOT sanctioned by Hamstertime.  Because Highwaygirl said so.


Anonymous said...

Ummm....*waving arm frantically and sending out an echoing Hello*. I know you have my e-mail address. Pick me, pick me !!

Anonymous said...

Never been to Vegas and have always wanted to go. I'll email you with my address - don't know if I can go (new job and all) but it sounds like fun.

No energy to post today... I'll try and come up with something.

Anonymous said...

Send me the info... I was planning a Vegas trip this year anyway!